BulawayoArchdiocese.org is a new website of the Archdiocese of Bulawayo.
It connects the Catholics of the archdiocese and create an official communication channel. Combination of Facebook account, Twitter profile, WhatsApp services, and the community-run website is a unique solution made exclusively for our local people.
In Zimbabwe there is a very high number of WhatsApp users and an increasing number of people browsing the internet and joining the social networks. In spite of that, there is no official and proper communication platform for Catholics. We decided to fill the gap and try something progressive :-)
Archdiocese of Bulawayo is the best place for this project because the lay people of this archdiocese understand its importance and are willing to join it.
» bulawayoarchdiocese.org websiteRight now the project is in its early stage of development. News service is running and local reporters are being trained. Library materials are being prepared and young people are joining the web-team to help with the administration.
Support this Project
by yourPray for the missionaries and their efforts. Your spiritual support is the most important one. The work of missionaries is being blessed and the hearts of people are opening for the Gospel, as you pray:
Father Almighty,
you sent your Son Jesus Christ
to the mission of redeeming the world.
Many still have not heard his message
of faith, hope, and love.
Bless the efforts of your missionaries
and let the light of your Gospel
shine in the world.
Bless the BulawayoArchdiocese.org Project
so that through the missionary work
in the power of the Holy Spirit
it may bear fruit of salvation
to the people of Zimbabwe.
Encourage BulawayoArchdiocese.org Project with words of faith. Missionary work is difficult and missionaries may often feel discouraged. If you believe that their effort is valuable and you appreciate what they do, you should tell them. A few honest words may help a lot.
Donate to BulawayoArchdiocese.org Project to increase its efficiency.
Currently we need finances for rewarding of our reporters and administrators - to make their work easier and more enjoyable and our network grow faster.
You can give your donation in person to BulawayoArchdiocese.org Project or through an SVD mission secretary in your country or through any SVD missionary you know.
If you wish to make your donation in person but you don't know any of us or you don't know where to find us, just ask...
For a transfer from Zimbabwe in Zimbabwean currency use our local account, please:
Account name:
AOB Divine Word Missionaries
40 Chepstow Rd, Riverside, Bulawayo
Account number:
230 710 739 04
Bank name:
First Capital Bank
Bank address:
JMN Nkomo Street / 8th Avenue, P.O.Box 702, Bulawayo
Or send Ecocash to our number:
For a local or international transfer in United States Dollars, use this our account, please:
Account name:
Archdiocese of Bulawayo Divine Word
Account number:
914 000 529 4370
Archdiocese of Bulawayo, 9th Avenue / Lobengula St, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe
Bank name:
Stanbic Bank of Zimbabwe
Bank address:
59 Samora Machel Avenue, Harare, Zimbabwe
Swift code:
Correspondent Bank:
Standard Bank of South Africa
Correspondent Bank Swift Code:
Correspondent Bank Account Number:
090 861 930
Please, let us know the exact kind, amount and purpose of your donation:
see all our projects